
24 July 2024

What Is VoIP?

Technology has revolutionised communication through social networks, video calls and text messages. Today, speaking with one another across businesses is easy and accessible due to extensive technology such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). We’ve shared a guide on the VoIP meaning, how VoIP works, and the benefits of the technology.
21 February 2024

How to reduce employee attrition in the hybrid working world

With a fifth of UK workers at high risk of leaving their jobs in 2024, and a further 12% expecting to leave before 2026, it’s increasingly clear that staff retention strategies require a rethink. Flexible working will be crucial for reducing turnover – providing, of course, that it is implemented effectively.
17 January 2024

Why easier hybrid working maximises value for the public sector

While the public sector is currently leading the way in terms of embracing new technologies, properly supporting hybrid work still presents a significant obstacle – with employee engagement and retention suffering dramatically as a result.
18 September 2023

How document automation can deliver great efficiencies whilst improving your customer experience

Providing a successful customer experience relies on your internal operations running as efficiently as possible – which is why it’s vital to ensure your document handling processes are quick and accurate, while also requiring minimal employee resource.
10 January 2023

Apogee’s Accelerate Your Innovation event will return to Mercedes-Benz World in May 2023

Attendees of Apogee’s Accelerate Your Innovation: Lap 2 event will gain an insight into how the Managed Workplace Services industry can benefit their organisation – in addition to a driving experience on the test track at Mercedes-Benz World.
26 April 2022

Today’s hybrid workforce wants it all – and why not?

As workplaces pick up the pieces of the sudden mass migration to homeworking and start planning towards a hybrid future, they are re-evaluating their relationships with their service providers to reflect changed priorities and needs.