Managed Print Services

21 September 2017

Digital Transformation By Leveraging Print Production, Hybrid Mail and BPO

Learning how to get the right balance is crucial in order to establish efficient and commercially attractive business processes.
7 September 2017

Hotels – stand out from the crowd with print and document technology

Whether travelling for business or leisure, guests expect to be provided with everything they would typically have at home. Printing can be an essential element of travelling, with guests needing to print anything from theme park tickets to presentation notes, for example.
28 July 2017

Apogee Sponsor the One Council Award at the Luton Excellence Awards

Over 300 employees from across the authority attended a Carnival-themed gala event at Venue 360 with Awards made in 12 categories recognising outstanding commitment to serving the people of Luton.
11 July 2017

Ink Printing With HP’s Latest PageWide Technology

The basic elements of ink-based digital printing are colorants, the process for transferring colorant to paper. Colorants form the image on paper by reflecting light at specific wavelengths to produce distinct colours.
1 June 2017

Leveraging Print Technology to Establish Effective Communication

Communication is something that can make or break an organisation. No matter how nuanced and effective an individual can be, without the backing and understanding of his or her co-workers, manager, department, and ultimately the organisation they’re part of, their efforts will be doomed to failure and obscurity.