
1 August 2024

Apogee Corporation sponsors Beaulieu Supercar Weekend

Apogee will be sponsoring the highly-anticipated Beaulieu Supercar Weekend on the 3rd and 4th of August, which will bring hundreds of beautiful supercars to the home of the National Motor Museum.
30 July 2024

How multi-academy trusts spread cost efficiencies throughout their schools

With many sites to oversee simultaneously, print infrastructure is a common bugbear for multi-academy trusts. But some organisations are taking advantage of an easy way to spread cost efficiencies throughout their schools – namely, Managed Print.
30 July 2024

Unlocking a secure, dynamic, cost-efficient NHS

As a public sector organisation, the NHS is constantly under pressure to maximise output while keeping costs low. However, their reliance on legacy systems only exacerbates everyday challenges.

For the NHS to navigate through this extremely demanding environment, a solution that can address multiple issues at once is nothing short of essential.

24 July 2024

What Is VoIP?

Technology has revolutionised communication through social networks, video calls and text messages. Today, speaking with one another across businesses is easy and accessible due to extensive technology such as Voice Over Internet Protocol (VoIP). We’ve shared a guide on the VoIP meaning, how VoIP works, and the benefits of the technology.
6 June 2024

Apogee’s People & Culture Team volunteer this World Environment Day!

To recognise World Environment Day on 5th June, Marion Brooks, Chief People Officer at Apogee, and the People & Culture Team headed to Communigrow in Kent to spend a day volunteering. Hear more from Marion below!
3 June 2024

The Benefits of Leasing Technology for the Education Sector

With rapidly rising inflation exacerbating already-existing challenges for the education sector, leasing technology currently appears to be the most cost-effective route.
31 May 2024

Businesses failing to adapt their workplace to accommodate different personalities

Despite workers emphasising the critical role of tech, the overwhelming majority of employees experience productivity drop due to current IT infrastructure.
28 May 2024

The end of Windows 10 opens the door to safer hybrid working

With support for Windows 10 ceasing after October 2025, organisations will eventually need to install Windows 11 on their corporate devices. The good news is, this upgrade creates significant benefits for secure hybrid working.