
21 June 2021

Apogee Corporation accredited supplier Crescent Purchasing Consortium

June 2021: Industry-leading Managed Workplace Services experts at Apogee have announced their successful bid to become an accredited supplier of the new Crescent Purchasing Consortium (CPC) framework agreement.
15 June 2021

Apogee supports Teens Unite Around the World Fundraising Challenge

Europe’s largest managed workplace services (MWS) provider Apogee Corp has recently completed its ‘Around the World’ fundraising challenge for cancer charity Teens Unite.
1 June 2021

Direct-Tec Group Customers – Welcome to Apogee

Following the announcement that Direct Tec Group have been acquired by Apogee. We want to share with you who Apogee are and what it means for you. Apogee is an independent subsidiary of HP Inc. meaning you can take advantage of working with of one of the world’s leading technology companies, whilst enjoying the level of value and satisfaction you will have experienced from Direct Tec. We are a freethinking subsidiary and a multi-brand provider of Managed, Outsourced and IT Services, which prides itself on adding value to our customers.
16 April 2021

How Digital Transformation is revolutionising the modern workplace

Digital Transformation is reshaping every aspect of the modern organisation, giving it a level of transparency that was unfamiliar five years ago, but what does it mean for the modern workplace?
29 March 2021

Apogee to Acquire Kent-based Direct-Tec Group

Apogee Corporation Ltd has agreed to acquire Kent-based Managed Print Service provider Direct-Tec Group. Formed in 2004 in Westerham, Kent, Direct-Tec is a provider of print, document, and IT solutions for businesses and public sector organisations.
26 March 2021

The Hybrid Workplace is the Future, But What Happens to the Traditional Office Set-up?

In a post-covid world, the ability to create flexible workspaces with scalable, cloud-based technology on a large scale will not just be critical to business strategies, but also crucial to organisational success in aligning with the hybrid workplace model as offices start to re-open in the UK and across the world.
26 February 2021

How the evolution of Cloud Technology has encouraged business change

Throughout the past decade, Cloud technology has evolved significantly and has become a fundamental component in ‘digital transformation’ strategies for many businesses. As 66% of organisations have adopted a Cloud first strategy since 2018 what does that mean for your organisation?
19 February 2021

Apogee Continues Partnership with NEPA Through HP Public Sector

Apogee Public Sector have supported HP Inc. in being awarded a place on Lots 1 and 2 on the NEPA (National Education Printer Agreement) framework which is for the provision of Managed Print Services UK-wide.