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Why office relocation is the perfect time to go paperless
Planning an office relocation? Having your paper archives doesn't just help lighten the load - but unlocks the door to new workplace efficiencies.
So, you're moving office. Perhaps, like almost half mid-to-large size UK companies, you don't need so much space if people are working from home more often.
And now you're stuck wondering where on earth to put all that paperwork gathering dust in box files, filing cabinets and folders all over the office. In fact, never mind where to put them, how are you going to even transport everything?
But moving the documents doesn't have to be a headache. It could be an opportunity.
A paperless, intelligently automated office will make your business more efficient and compliant. And it can make your staff more productive.
Access files instantly
When businesses relocate, it's easy to lose track of which document went where.
While your staff acclimatise to their surroundings, they probably won't be as productive as usual, and misplaced paperwork hardly helps matters.
Not so when you go paperless. Instead of moving all your documents to the new office, send them to us. We'll store them for you and make them available online when you need them.
With a Digital Records Management system, your staff will be able to get the information they need without being encumbered by the paperwork they don't. They'll be able to share files and collaborate easily. And, they'll be able to do it from anywhere.
This will help ease the transition for your employees, while giving them the sense that their workplace is moving forward (and not just moving out).
Save money
With a Digital Records Management system, you don't just get a digital point of access that makes obtaining and sharing files easier. It's also a cost-effective alternative to scanning.
Storing fewer files means you need less storage space, too. If you rent office space and pay per square metre, it's easy to calculate the annual cost of the space occupied by a single filing cabinet.
But some organisations need much more storage and going paperless can save much, much more. We helped Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation Trust digitise 15 linear miles of storage boxes; enough to free up several buildings for medical services rather than file storage.
Get up to date
You're probably losing sleep over the logistics of transporting files containing sensitive information. What if something vital goes missing or ends up in the wrong hands?
Sensitive documents, such as medical or human resources records, need to be handled carefully with access restricted on a need to know basis.
By going paperless, you get more control over your documents. You can limit access to the users you choose to authorise. You can even monitor for how long they access files. Moreover, you can rescind access at the click of a button.
This will mean that your information will be more secure, and it'll mean your Human Resources won't need all that room for filing cabinets.
Go green
Did you know that 100,000 sheets of paper has a carbon footprint of 6,000kg? For context, that's a bigger footprint than a round trip from London to Beijing.
It takes eight trees, and uses almost 2,000kWh of energy.
And the amount of data created, captured and copied globally is growing rapidly, with forecasts of an increase to more than 180 zettabytes in 2025. So just think how much more paper you're likely to use in the future.
By going paperless, you'll significantly reduce your carbon footprint. This can be good for your brand reputation as well as the planet.
Relocate and move to paperless
Moving offices is stressful enough without having to lug all your files with you.
Thanks to Apogee, you don't have to.
Our scanning solutions and Digital Records Management system will mean your files will be ready for instant, efficient online access from the very first day of your relocation. You'll be more compliant and environmentally friendly, too.
Ready for a fresh start? Contact us today.
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