IT Services for Engineers
Engineering data created over the years are the tapestry of the engineering companies who produce them. With many of your products still in use, it is important that you maintain archive drawings and O&M manuals to best serve your long standing customers.
The Engineering Departments Challenges
With many engineering companies being far smaller these days due to computer technology reducing the need for teams of draftsmen quite often you don`t have the space to store this valuable data.
At Apogee we can bring this information back to life and reduce the risk of those drawings becoming more damaged or even lost. Having your old drawings scanned will give you faster and easier access to important technical data and in the process preserve important documents that laid the foundation for your company.
Drawings can not only be scanned for reference but also be vectorized and converted to DWG and DXF file formats for import in the CAD systems. We can also convert your client technical manuals to searchable PDF`s for easy distribution to your existing customers and archive your important project manuals linking them to the related drawings.
With the technology to digitise your aperture cards and even linen drawings, the possibilities are endless to help preserve your engineering archive and provide you with better quality data to provide to your clients.
How We Can Help
To learn more, please fill out the contact form.
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