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An Introduction to E-forms
EForms are a powerful automation tool, and vital for giving you the information to effectively guide your business toward successful, purpose-driven digital transformation.
EForms are an efficient, cheap and simple way to collect information, both internally and externally.
With everyone trying to save paper, eForms are perfect for streamlining business processes while reducing your carbon footprint. But how do they work? And more importantly, how can you put them to work?
What are eForms?
EForms are electronic forms that gather data through user entries. They’re versatile, dynamic and mobile-friendly, making them perfect for all kinds of business processes. You can easily configure eForms using a drag and drop eForm builder, and you can customise them using HTML, CSS or JavaScript.
Getting started with basic eForms is easy. You can then increase their complexity to suit more difficult data-collection tasks. So, as your information collection needs grow, your eForms will too.
With Document Management software, eForms are available for both internal and external users. This means you can use them for collecting internal data, such as:
- Timesheets
- Study leave requests
- Pregnancy risk assessments
You can also use them for collecting data outside your company, including:
- Customer feedback
- Job applications
- Contact requests
The information from a completed form is then saved by the platform. With this software, you can also link the eForm to an automated workflow. For example, with an eForm for requesting annual leave, the workflow routes the information to the right managers to approve or reject. This manages the data with complete accuracy and traceability, and also increases efficiency and productivity.
EForms offer wide-ranging possibilities, so there’s a use case for every business out there.
What are the benefits of using eForms?
EForms aren’t just intuitive, convenient, and great for cutting down on your paper usage. They have a host of other benefits:
- Cost savings. Using eForms cuts down on processing and storage costs by minimising your paper usage. And eForms come free with certain Document Management systems.
- Communication. With eForms you can easily reach your audience and collect accurate information.
- Customisation. EForms offer endless customisation options. You can change the look and feel of your online forms to match your company branding, edit the fonts and colours, as well as customise question types and responses.
- Security. EForms are as secure as you need them to be. You can restrict your eForms for use only by authorised users, or you can open your eForms to the wider public.
- Collaboration. Workflows allow you to seamlessly pass forms from person to person.
- Accuracy. Look ups and masking in eForms mean that mistakes can't be made.
So those are the benefits, but how do you use eForms in a real-world scenario?
Using eForms to streamline processes
So how can you use eForms to optimise your internal processes?
In June 2021, Apogee helped the Northumbria NHS Trust to implement eForms into their HR case file system.
With this in place, they then created a digital pregnancy risk assessment eForm. This process was originally done on paper in the presence of the employee. The disadvantages of this were:
- Organisational difficulties. Paper files are easy to lose, so information from previous risk assessments were not always retained.
- Lack of standardisation. Managers would fill out assessments in different ways, creating inconsistencies.
- No reminders. Managers must conduct risk assessments regularly, and so using paper files meant they were often missed.
To remedy these issues, Apogee created an electronic process to record the outcome of the assessment. The eForm was then linked to the original HR case file system, ensuring all information gathered from the risk assessment was in the employee’s file.
With the new eForm, the risk assessment benefits from:
- Standardised assessments. The eForms follow a set structure, meaning that managers must input data in the same way each time. This ensures the gathered information is consistent.
- Assessment traceability. Managers and the employee can access the assessment information via a link. This saves PDFs going back and forth in emails. Processing categories also harvest information and pass it on from form to form, so everything is up to date.
- Monitoring options. With all the information in one place, managers can monitor the risk assessment process from a holistic viewpoint.
- Actionable reminders. Ongoing risk assessments go into a workflow using a solution designer feature. This sends out automatic notifications for follow-up interviews. It keeps managers updated with reminders of upcoming assessments.
Apogee provided continuous support and consultation throughout the process. They explained to employees how to use the eForms and the Document Management platform, helping users adapt to changing requirements.
Click here to find out more about how Apogee uses eForms in the full case study.
Boost your efficiency with eForms
EForms are the perfect way to boost the efficiency of your old paper processes. Document Management software can provide you with the tools to create your own eForms and customise them for your organization.
If you want to know more about how eForms can improve efficiencies, or if you’ve got a specific document management problem that needs solving, contact us today by using the form below.
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