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Capital City College Group

CCCG are currently outsourcing print jobs out of their capabilities to Apogee Digital Document Services (DDS) with the view of closing on site print rooms.


The Background

The CCCG are excellent at managing their multiple colleges to help achieve their overall goals, which is to help students reach a high level of employability or advance onto higher education. Although despite their skills, CCCG lack synchronisation as they continue to acquire more colleges. At the colleges, students must print to specific locations with no flexibility and it is a standard process with no personalisation.

Scanning was also a manual process within the group, with no hybrid mail and no bulk printing facilities, limiting student and staff capabilities. Additionally, the two print rooms take up valuable space.


The Solution

To ensure all colleges are in sync and make it available for new acquisitions to instantly integrate with each other, Apogee provided a total refresh of HP devices. Apogee have also introduced remotely supported print management software across all print devices, with “Follow Me” print for monitoring across the college’s for control and reporting with additional software for automated alerts and toner requests.

Additionally, with this implementation Apogee’s tailored 1-Touch scan and personalised panels were introduced on 360 devices to improve the printing process, making everything convenience focused for their users.

With this system, document processes can be scanned, distributed electronically, copied and archived, all with one touch. With all print jobs with 50+ pages to onsite reprographics machines simplified system optimises efficiency of document processing through ensuring staff time is conserved as well as saving paper, toner, and power while increasing security.


The Outcome

CCCG are currently outsourcing print jobs out of their capabilities to Apogee Digital Print with the view of closing on site print rooms.

To improve the space limitations at the college, Apogee are currently assessing document storage at all 16 campuses to propose a solution which will involve the scanning of all documents to free space.


  • Flexibility of being able to print to all devices on any campus
  • Scanning of documents will free up rooms which could be used for additional learning environments
  • Enhanced print capability via Apogee Digital Print


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