A large woods that shows green printing
Adopting a Green Printing Strategy
30 September 2019
event stand at derby business show event
Another Successful Event at The Derby Business Show
1 October 2019
A large woods that shows green printing
Adopting a Green Printing Strategy
30 September 2019
event stand at derby business show event
Another Successful Event at The Derby Business Show
1 October 2019

Should organisations be moving from desktop to multi-functional printers?

Since their inception, desktop printers have been a part of consumer and business environments, providing quick access to printing and improving business operations. But is it time for a shakeup with how your organisation prints?


Improve your organisational efficiency

A desktop printer is a device used to print documents that are sent from a digital file. They are often smaller in size, to fit on a desk or table, as their name suggests. However, they can come in many models with various capabilities, depending on the style and brand of the printer. In contrast, a multi-functional printer incorporates the extra functionality of printing, fax, and copying. They are often larger devices, however can come in smaller forms similar to desktop printers.

It can be confusing for business’ to understand whether switching to a bigger and more powerful machine, like a multi-functional device, is worthwhile. Even after this decision has been made, selecting the right hardware, software and managed service solutions is a difficult process.

Therefore, it is important for organisations to take into account both the positives and negatives of both types of printers in order to make a well informed, suitable decision, which is ultimately a good investment.


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18 December 2024

Apogee returns to support Royal British Legion Industries’ ‘Rudolph Fun Run’

Apogee Corporation sponsored Royal British Legion Industries’ ‘Rudolph Fun Run’ for the second consecutive year on Sunday 15th December, an event that raises vital funds in support of Armed Forces veterans.

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