Q. Can you share with us any metrics or KPIs that show the success you have enjoyed with Apogee's Managed IT Services (MITS)?
A. "We've seen a significant reduction in the number of queries, or tickets as we call them, coming through our IT Help Desk. We have had in the region of an 85% reduction off the back of that. Most importantly, we saw a 15% increase in student satisfaction with the equipment - this was whilst the rollout was happening - it's now at 91% satisfaction with the new IT devices."
Q. Gareth, can you tell us what your experience has been like working with Apogee as your Managed Services Provider (MSP)?
A. "Apogee was brilliant, incredibly flexible, very accommodating, and understood our restrictions around timetabling. We're fairly busy during the college day, so Apogee was willing to work around that day, going into rooms when they were empty and working through our holiday period, which often coincides with when a lot of people want to take a holiday with their families.
I can feel like I can pick up the phone with our contract director at any point, speak to them about any problems we've got, and resolve them quickly. Overall, Apogee has a very flexible approach and a positive can-do attitude."
Q. What have you been most impressed with regarding the provision of our Managed IT Services (MITS) for Craven College?
A. "One is the quality of the equipment we've received. Absolutely fantastic quality from the HP laptops and on all of the equipment we've been provided as part of the contract. The other thing I'd say is the service that we've received from Apogee; the whole deployment team was absolutely fantastic, very flexible, and very approachable.
Staff have been overwhelmed with the quality of the product, particularly after the underinvestment we've experienced for many years."
Q. Does Craven College have any plans to develop their Managed IT Service with Apogee in the future?
A. "We are now expecting more quality laptops to supplement the desktop positions that we've had. In addition to looking at laptop purchasing solutions for our students so that if a student chooses to buy a laptop on their own, we can look to offer them a device in partnership with Apogee.
To reduce the reliance on staff having to be present to issue laptops to staff and students, we will be putting a laptop safe/locker in place. It works on the same concept as Amazon Lockers. The locker provides a tracking system when staff and students log the laptop in and out and will allow staff and students to access a laptop within the college reception area for on-site use."