nhs medical professional at doorstep
Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust
12 December 2022
doctor holding tablet
Maidstone & Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust
12 December 2022

Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Apogee overflow and managed print solution for the client has provided approximately 3.5 million black and white and 200,000 colour prints annually.


The Background

Quinn Emmanuel required an on-site managed print service in their London and Paris offices including: print devices, software solutions, support, and all overflow services. They required a solution encompassing the full scope of document services affording flexibility, cost savings and service excellence whilst ensuring security and confidentiality.


The Solution

Upon meeting with Quinn Emmanuel, Apogee provided a tour of our facilities and infrastructure, scoped the requirement, surveyed the sites, and carried out due diligence.

As a reseller of hardware and software, Apogee procured and delivered cost savings through our partnership with the main providers in the market. Not restricted to a specific manufacturer, we were able to provide the best solution to match the client specifications and contributed to a reduction in their carbon footprint.


The Outcome

Apogee placed a print room manager at Quinn Emmanuel’s London Office, and also provided additional staff on demand which includes holiday and sickness cover when required, all of which are employed by Apogee. We have therefore delivered cost savings to the client on TUPE, HR administration, national insurance, any benefits, and holiday and sickness payments.

Apogee provides the client with ongoing engineer support, and overflow services 24/7 to support if required. We also supply the client with crucial information regarding usage per device, allowing the client and Apogee to continually monitor and assess volumes; and advise on cost savings and the most efficient solutions.

Apogee overflow and managed print solution for the client has provided approximately 3.5 million black and white and 200,000 colour prints annually.


  • Cost savings through Apogee’s partnerships
  • Reduction in carbon footprint
  • Engineer support
  • Service across two European countries
  • Print audit and site survey provided accurate data
  • Print room manager provided by Apogee
  • 24/7 outsource and overflow print provided


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